I began to see life in a new way when I became a Christian. For a very long time, friends and family members would constantly persuade me to come to church and read my bible to become proximate to something or someone that I couldn’t see. I just could not fathom what was so special about Jesus. If he was so great why there was so much destruction in the world today? I had mixed emotions on the subject that would lead to anger and division between me and my own family. Any time it had been mentioned I always tried avoiding the encounter. I had been dealing with a lot at that time and it seemed as though my world was being tossed to and fro leaving me damaged and weak spirited. My mother would always drag me to church with her every Sunday and I would just arrive and fall asleep or constantly check my watch to see how long the pastor had until he was finished. However, on this particular Sunday I began to pay close attention to the words he spoke. It felt as though he was speaking directly to me, almost as if he knew my personal struggles. After the pastor had declared his message was over, he gave an allotted time for an alter call. This was the moment in service where members of the church may come up to the pew and pray with one of the ministers. Normally out of habit and I would have gone into the restroom and wait there until it over, but something urged me to make that first step down that aisle. It felt like my heart began to melt and the moment become so precious and sentimental. I stood up and walked down the aisle to pray with the minister. Before we had began praying the pastor came down to this minister and said I’ll handle this one. Pastor Larry, (my grandfather) looked at me with a smile on his face and said I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment. I told him about what had seemed to be terrorizing my life had and we prayed to God. Before we finished he asked me if I was ready to give my life to Christ. I c