What comes to mind when you hear the word "success"? Serving as the president of an organization? Getting engaged? Traveling around the country? Achieving the goals you set for yourself? The term success is difficult to define because it means something different to everyone. To Bianca Stringer, the newly elected president of Phi Delta Epsilon, success means taking initiative. Stringer was one of the founding members of this particular chapter of the nationally recognized medical fraternity. She first served as treasurer but made it her goal to be elected president of the fraternity her senior year. Stringer recently had the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas for a national Phi Delta Epsilon leadership conference. This was Stringer’s first experience on a plane and understandably, she was apprehensive about flying alone. Her time at the airport went off without a hitch though until she reached the customs department. As a first time flier, Stringer forgot that she couldn’t pack her 6-ounce face wash in her carry-on bag. “The customs officer threw my face wash away! Other than that though, the trip was perfect,” laughed Stringer. Stringer explained that traveling to the conference by herself did seem intimidating at first, but her experiences in Las Vegas made the trip well worth her anxieties. “I was so fortunate to be able to attend the Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Convention in the fabulous city of Las Vegas. As a new chapter president, I am more than excited to bring the leadership skills and knowledge of the medical field I learned from the convention back to the members of my chapter,” stated Stringer. Other individuals consider the personal connections they make with others extremely important. Elizabeth Tunisi, a senior majoring in social work, thinks one of the most successful aspects of her life is the relationship she shares with her high school sweetheart turned fiancé, Tim. “To me, success doesn’t necessarily equate to