Abstract This paper explores the history one of the world changing health programs Rehabilitation Counseling assisting with person’s with disabilities in areas such as guidance and case management services to persons with disabilities to assist them in achieving their psychological, personal, social, and vocational goals. Rehabilitation counselors determine the impact of disability on goal attainment; evaluate vocational interests, aptitudes, and skills of clients; and provide appropriate services to maximize career options and quality of life. The rehabilitation program may range from a week to several years depending on the nature of the problem and the needs of the client. After conferring with the client's physicians, psychologists, occupational therapists, and the employer, a rehabilitation program is initiated. The rehabilitation program may include mental health or adjustment counseling services; independent living assistance. Rehabilitation Counseling is one of the top focusing careers that focuses on assisting person’s with disabilities to achieve a more independent living in assisting individual with personal goals for career and other person desires of achievement. Vocational Rehabilitation in the U.S. is a 87+ year old program, prior to the latter part of the 19th century, the care of persons with disabilities rested primarily with the family and church related institutions. The rehabilitation program may include mental health or adjustment counseling services; independent living assistance; locating and coordinating services in physical and mental restoration, academic or vocational training, and government services; job analysis or modification; and other services targeted to the individual needs of the individual with a disability. The rehabilitation program may range from a week to several years depending on the nature of the problem and the needs of the client. These all play a great role in assisting individuals with disabilities The Development of the rehabilitation movement in the U.S is linked to the emergence of the industrial age and the consequence of World War 1. The impact of WW1 was the National Act of 1916- enacted June 3, 1916, was a federal law that updated the organization of the military, including an expansion of the Army and the National Guard, the creation of an Officers' and an Enlisted Reserve Corps, and the creation of a Reserve Officers' Training Corps. The President was also given expanded authority to federalize the National Guard, with changes to the duration and the circumstances under which he could call it up. The Army began the creation of an Aviatio