Our lives often revolve around career successes and family foundation but we also find time to believe in something spiritual to give us a sense of wellness and discipline. On this planet, there are 21 major religions with new religions quickly emerging in every country and at least 40% of humans globally practicing. Christianity is the leading major spiritual practice with Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism following in terms of numbers. Either way, religion is something we all have in common and despite the various research conclusions, it provides us with understanding of present life, its meaning, and the afterlife. When discussing religion, it’s never easy for an individual to decide how they desire to practice. Some religions favor materialistic gods, fictional gods, and some commonly worship Jesus Christ. Amongst the few major studies, Christianity is practiced by 2.1 billion people in this world. Christians believe in God who has revealed himself and lives within us through spiritual connection and faith. They use the Bible as a source of textual knowledge and studying in order to build spiritual character and learn about God as a whole. This spiritual relationship is to be infinite and personal. Islam instantly follows Christianity with 1.3 billion people practicing in worship of Allah, or God. They believe he is transcendent from humans and should be worshipped through good works and rituals. To be more exact, there are five primary duties that Muslims must follow on a daily basis. After Islamic practices is Hinduism which follows with 900 million people. Hinduism does not believe in one God but instead, many manifestations that may be represented by animal offerings, idols, and so on. They believe that their present life is indeed a result of their previous life which explains individual suffering and turmoil. This concept then allows them to focus on the idea of being free from karma by following three duties as well. Buddh