
Kings and Their Kingdoms

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Reading the articles about King Afonso I “Protest Slave Trading in the Kingdom of Kongo” and “Qianlong on Chinese Trade with England,” I am finding that there are a lot of similarities in both the kings and their kingdoms. Both were monarchs. Both kings are requesting something to stop, also both are giving suggestions on how to fix the problem. There were also some differences of both kings, to include but not limited to, the way the kings requested what they wanted. How one king felt about his status as opposed to the other, and one thinking violence is the answer to noncompliance as opposed to the other. King Afonso I was king of Kongo during the early sixteenth century, while Qianlong was emperor of China in the late ninetieth century. There were many Portuguese merchants in Kongo who generated close diplomatic associations with the king. These associations brought fortune and acknowledgment to Kongo, however difficulties also trailed that led to its unavoidable ruin. Portuguese merchants pursued slaving missions. Their schemes undercut the authority of the king, who requested constantly to the Portuguese to conclude slave trade in Kongo. I feel, much fortune came to China’s Celestial Empire due to financial growth and marketable development. Trading agents closely managed the procedures of foreign merchants at Guangzhou. They allowed not only the British, but all other nations as well to trade only at Guangzhou. King Afonso I put a law in place that would limit Portuguese slave trade in Kongo. This included using three noblemen and officials of the court that they relied on to make sure things were done correctly. I feel the two rulers are different because King Afonso’s document appears to be humbling and respectful to the king of Portugal. It looks as if he was begging him for help with this persisting issue of illegal slave trading, and asking very nicely. While the view I got of Qianlong is very different. It app

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