
Youth and Pre-Marital Sex

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Sex is an important part of being human, it involves more than the physical act of intercourse with another person, and it affects how we feel about one another. It also impacts important choices we make as men and women. It is important that pre-marital sex is examined as more young adults are having casual sex, since the youth in our society seem to not make the best choices when it comes to sexual activity. As well in the last decade sex among teenagers and young adults has become more prevalent, and as we get more technological advances it is essential we discuss and explore more of this issue. Article Hook-Up Culture: Setting a New Research Agenda asks the research question how focusing on when and why this sexual subculture emerged. Hook-up culture is defined as casual sexual contact between non-dating partners without any expectation of forming a committed relationship. The main hypotheses is the causes and timing of the emergence of hook-up culture is supposing that researchers understand the differences between the presence of hooking up on college campuses and the presence of hook-up culture; during this research, they used mostly surveys, interviews, and focus groups and operationalization, studies have found that between two thirds and three quarters of students hook up at some point during school. In fact, those who have hooked up at some point, 40% did so three or fewer times, 40% did so between four and nine times, and one in five students have hooked up ten or more times during their college years. Also, finding that a slightly higher number of 28% had ten or more hook ups. In summary, a majority of college students participate in the hook-up culture and about a quarter will hook-up ten or more times during college (Heldman, C., & Wade , L. 2010). In the article, Sexual Risk Behavior in Young Adulthood: Broadening the Scope Beyond Early Sexual Initiation, asking if the relationship between early sexual activity and s

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