I have always been told to live life to the fullest, and I took that as meaning have fun in life without any stress. I apparently thought wrong because stress takes a huge role in everyone’s life. The main stress factors for me are friends and family, school, and work. Family and friends would have to be number one on my list because it is so much easier to put off school or work for my friends than vice versa. My parents do a lot of meddling in my life, always snooping in my belongings or wanting to know my business and it is so aggravating. My siblings contribute by mimicking everything I do. My grandparents expect me to make all the right choices and have no mistakes. There is a need to brag about everything I do so they expect me to be close to perfect. However the most stressful part about my friends and family is trying to balance my time between them and other things such as school. I have always been that weird kid who loves school, but school is stressful too. Making every due date and deadline for each class seems impossible. I have this terrible habit of waiting until the last possible moment to get my work done and I just cannot seem to get over it. For example, I have had since September 10th to revise this paper, but when you look at the date on this essay I chose today to work on it which is ridiculous, therefore I plan to work on using my time wisely. School is a breeze to me because all I have to do is apply myself, study hard, pay attention, and get all the help I that is offered to me. I think it is just that I had a rough time with balancing my time between school and other priorities such as work. I love my job a lot, but having a job is stressful. Getting to work on time is like fighting the hulk; I can never win. Everything seems to find a way to make me late no matter what. It takes forever to find my name tag, everyone wants to drive slowly, and the shuttle to get to work is never on time. However the guest