
Failure Characterizes Success

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At some point in your life, you will look back and re-evaluate everything that you chose to do. The things you should have or should not have done, all your accomplishments and failures. The repetitive mistakes that you had made and amount of work needed to be done to fix them. Some people view failure as a wall, which pauses your life and slows you down. I believe that failure is a key characteristic in one’s success story. Failure steers you in the direction you want to be going towards, taking you that much closer to achieving your goals. Taking risks and failing a thousand times, only to get back on track and fail again and again is when a person will succeed. Failure plays a large role in becoming successful, because a person must make many mistakes to succeed in life. Trying something new and not getting it right the first time is one of the hardest things to cope with. Most people take this as a defeat and quit whatever they attempted to do. When I was a little girl I always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. My sister bought me a guitar for my 12th birthday on the terms that I would practice every day until I got really good. I vowed to keep that promise, and the minute I held the guitar and strummed it the first time I knew it was a long journey to becoming a pro. I practiced a minimum of an hour every day on my own with my beginner’s book, learning all the chords and everything. Every single time I thought I got it, I would mess something up. I got to a point where I quit playing for an entire month because I kept failing, and had no hope in ever being good. I got to a point in my life where I learned consistency equals progress. Continue failing and making mistakes, keep repeating the same mistakes but never quit just because success seems hopeless. Failure and success go hand in hand and the only way someone will ever reach that sense of accomplishment in achieving a goal, is when they failed over and over again.

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