Abstract This paper demonstrates why we need an educational program at our university that promotes good sleep hygiene. It discusses the positive effects that this program would have. To empower students to improve their sleep that will increase their test scores. It will give a look inside sleep debt and its repercussions. It will students see that if we do not teach good sleep hygiene it can lead to negative effects on their life. These effects can be anything from cardiovascular disease, to obesity, to depression. These symptoms can negatively affect someone’s life and how well they do in school. We need to institute this program into our university and we will be able to see a rise in the students’ spirits and even in their test scores. Introduction Poor sleep habits are one of the most common problems that society, and especially college students, deal with on a daily basis. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration estimate that sleep-deprived drivers cause 100,000 accidents each year, resulting in 1,500 fatalities and 71,000 injuries1. This happens because we are always up early and staying out late. The sleep we could be getting is consumed with work, alcohol, drugs, and medication. We encounter late-night activities right before bedtime that consume our thoughts like late-night television. Good sleep habits sometimes need to be taught and followed and the best way would be an educational program for college students. This program would teach how to fix bad sleeping patterns, help to eliminate sleep debt, and show the benefits of good sleep hygiene. Discussion The Need for The Program Sleep is the single most common form of human behaviour and we will spend a third of our lives doing it-25 years or more2. Everyone needs to know how to make the most out of that third. Not knowing how can lead to exhaustion and that can lead to even worse situations. The findings indicate that college students are not aware of the extent of which sleep deprivation negatively affects their ability to complete cognitive tasks3. Having a program that promotes good sleep hygiene will let students realize the risks involved in not getting enough sleep every night. The individuals in society who have the worst sleep hygiene are college students. To get a good night sleep you need to learn a few basic things. It would be beneficial if there were an educational program that would promote good sleep hygiene. Good sleep hygiene is a variety of different practices that are necessary to have normal, quality nighttime sleep and full daytime alertness. This program would allow students to learn these practices and how they can be healthy by keeping their mind and body strong and rested. Fixing Bad Sleeping Patterns Growing up we always heard that for optimum health and well-being you should be getting between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. Being college students sometimes that is something that can be difficult to achieve. There are many distractions that keep from getting a good night’s slee