
Example Consent Decree

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I Erica write this consent decree against Cleveland Police Department finding patterns or practices of misconduct. CPD has abused Excessive force or improper use of force and restraints. Has failed to implement or enforce policies. Failed to train according to policies and procedures. Also failed to supervise and discipline officers accordingly. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Due to lack of investigation and lack of evidence within the last few years there have been a wide amount of wrongful arrest and wrongful imprisonment. In May 19, 1975 Ricky Jackson, Wiley Bridgeman and brother Ronnie was wrongfully arrested and imprisoned for murder of Harry Franks a business man in the east side of Cleveland. A case of deliberate indifference, the only evidence officers had was a 12 year olds testimony of the crime. These three men was sentenced to death penalty. 39 years later the testimony was recanted stating that he was forced by officers to testify against defendants. Officers told the young boy he was to young for jail but will imprison parents if he did not testify. In this case CPD failed to thoroughly investigate. Did not following proper procedure or had probable cause. Officers unlawfully arrested and framed innocent men without solid evidence leaving the real murderer free. All three men were awarded for lost wages, wrongful imprisonment and punitive damage. On September 18th 1981 Raymond Towler was wrongful arrested and imprisoned for kidnapping, felonious assault and rap. Towler was misidentified for raping an 11 year old girl and assaulting her 12 year old cousin in the Cleveland Rocky River Park. Rangers said that Towler fit the identity of the suspect in pursuit. Charges were made without posing its case “beyond of a reasonable doubt.’ Officers did collect evidence but without the proper technology was not able to prove Towlers innocence. With the help of the Innocence Project, DNA was tested and taken from the v

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