
Stage One of Great Expectations

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In Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations," we first learn about the child Pip, whose fears are nothing more than being punished to an adult pip whose fears begin to become more serious and about his future. Through Pip's quotes, we can see that Pip is not only getting older but also that he is becoming more mature. At the start of the novel, Pip is a common boy whose fears are just like ours. One fear that young boys all share is being punished by authority figures such as mothers. Pip is constantly in fear of his sister, Mrs. Joe and that she will beat him. The first example of this comes after Pip has ran home after his encounter with the criminal and Mrs. Joe confronts him. He does not want to tell her in fear of being punished even more by his sister; instead all he keeps saying is "I don't know." Another example of his fear of being punished comes when he is at Miss Havisham's house when he says: "For a moment, with the fear of my sister's working me before my eyes, I had a desperate idea of starting round the room in the assumed character of Mr. Pumblechook's chaise-cart" (Page 57). Once again Pip's fears, like the one of a child is being influenced because of the fear that his sister will beat him again. Pip, at the beginning is not able to think for himself without thinking about his consequences with his sister because his fear at the time is one of a child's. As Stage One progresses, we see Pip's fears become a little more grown up because of the way he begins to think about other people. The biggest example of this is when he is alone thinking about what Estella might do to him. The issue of social class emerges here in the way that Pip is scared of people of a higher social class because he sees their power. "I was haunted by the fear that she would, sooner or later find me out..," (Page 107). This is the first place where we see Pip really worrying about his future because he afraid the Estella will look down on him like h

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