A career with special needs children has opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed. There are many children in the school systems that need help academically as well as physically and emotionally. Working with special needs children is challenging, demanding but yet rewarding. Understanding the needs of special education can be very challenging. Every child is different and unique in their own way. You have to find an action plan by first evaluating the child through many tests to determine their specific needs. Once the action plan is determined there are many reports and guidelines that must be followed. When the testing and reports are complete there must be a conducted meeting to discuss the results of the student’s evaluation. This process takes a lot of corresponding between the school administration, the evaluator, teachers, occupational therapist, physical therapist, music therapist and the parent’s depending on the child’s needs. After the initial meeting there is an ongoing reporting process that has to be followed to make sure the child is receiving all services needed. Every year we conduct an annual meeting to review progress and goals achieved by the student. A career in special education can also be very demanding. The process is governed by many laws regarding the policies and procedures through the state of Texas. Each student has a complete file that is updated with every meeting, evaluation, test and progress and can be reviewed at any time. These files are called audit folders. The audit folders are reviewed by many agencies including Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, Social Security, Texas Department of Human Services, Department of Family and Protective Services and many more. All of this information is very time sensitive in the reporting process. We work under conditions where we have to maintain integrity to what we are findings are vs what the wishes and desires are of those in