With the "Millennial Generation" (born in mid-1970s through the early 2000s) getting ready to enter the workforce, many different questions pop up into our head as we think about them. The stereo type of being lazy, entitled, selfish and shallow is always in the air. Older generations question millennials preparation, accountability and willingness to change the economy. But how did we get here? How did society lose all trust for millennials? You can see it in the headlines in the Los Angeles Times, “College grads still struggle to find first good job,” to even the New York Times, “Many with new college degree will find the job market humbling.” Although millennials are not perfect, are they ready to handle the business sector of America? And can they turn the economy around for the better? In this paper I will explain the pros and cons of millennials, how prepared they are, their future potential in business and finally shift the spotlight to solutions, and how they can greatly change the economy. It’s true the incidence of narcissistic personality behavior is nearly three times as high for people in their twenties than the older generations according to the Nation Institutes of Health (Stein,2013). By definition narcissism is an egotistical preoccupation with self, personal preferences, aspirations, needs, success, and how one is perceived by others. Along with their narcissistic ways, millennials also have an entitlement problem and think that they can email the chairman to ask for a promotion. With so many participation trophies from childhood sports events, millennials believe they are the best and expect promotions frequently, whether they deserve it or not. Like English teacher David McCullough, said at a high school commencement speech, “You Are Not Special”. After getting past the narcissistic behavior and sense of entitlement, it seems millennials are stunted in development. More people at the ages of 18 to 29 would rather live with their parents than a spouse according to Clark University (Stein,2013). These days millennials often show lack of respect, and are constantly on social media. The lack of respect towards authority is ridiculous, this generation has watched so much television that they start to live life like the show or celebrity. It seems that this generation has had far more trouble with respect than any other previous generation. Lastly, look anywhere, teenagers are constantly on their phones, tweeting this, updating their status about that, and it’s sickening. Children are too dependent upon technology for entertainment instead of the real fun you can get outdoors and being proactive. Why stay inside and watch a screen when you can be productive