
Personal Education Essay

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“The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge is the power of teaching”, Aristotle. Aristotle, one of the leading philosophers in education, believed that education was central to a person’s life. Having an education is what makes a person advanced in their society, therefore keeping a balance in society. Society needs the educated person to function, as children grow into adults and take their place in their communities. Education is very important in today’s society. It is a formal process of learning in which some people consciously teach while others adopt the social role of the learner. Education plays a major role in everyone’s life; without education a person isn’t able to reach their fullest potential. Education prepares a person to adapt to new skills and values that will be essential in today’s society. Schools have many different purposes. It is a place for kids to gain knowledge and push them in their learning. It also teaches social skills and interactions, and helps prepare them academically for life and future jobs. Schools also teach responsibility such as meeting deadlines and dealing with authority. Education creates numerous jobs for people: principal and teaching positions, bus drivers, cooks, therapists, and janitors. The enforcement of a grading scale helps assure that schools serve all students well. Teachers are taught to focus on each individual student to identify which students are falling behind and meeting each student at their own level. I think schools are doing better at this every year. The teaching staffs around here won’t allow a child to fall behind in school work. They provide one-on-one time to make sure that the student is caught up with anything that they were previously struggling with. I was a struggling student at one time but I had excellent teachers that helped keep me up to speed. Some teachers let the struggling learners slide by when really they should be receiving the mo

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