
King Lear and the Wheel of Fortune

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King Lear’s power and riches created a “wheel of fortune” within Shakespeare’s King Lear and it is very hard to keep track of who is on top and who is falling behind. Freedom and choice are prevented and that can be mostly contributed to the problems that came with King Lear’s unique and ultimately unsuccessful attempt to divide his kingdom. The power that was within reach provoked the once dormant greed among the kingdom to be released and create chaos among many of the main characters. It is clear that the fortune King Lear is trying to distribute over the characters prevents human freedom and human choice from the beginning to the end of the story. Edmund forced others into doing and thinking what he wants them to do, thus limiting their freedom. Much of the conflict arose from Edmund’s manipulative and evil actions that were meant to eliminate competition for Gloucester's fortune. “Well, my legitimate, if this letter speed,/And my invention thrive, Edmund the base/Shall top th’legitimate. I grow, I prosper./ Now, gods, stand up for bastards” (1.2. 19-22). Edmund sees that being a bastard child is an obstacle that hinders his chance at Gloucester power. Because of this, he see an opportunity that can seize him the privileges he thinks he deserves. On the other hand, Edmund may have a strong influence to behave this way because he has gone through his whole life as a subject of ridicule from his father, brother, and others for being a bastard child.”The curiosity of nations to deprive me,/ For that I am so twelve or fourteen moonshines/ Lag of a brother? Why bastard?.../My mind is generous, and my shape as true,/ As honest madam’s issue? Why brand they us/ with base?” (1.2. 4-9). Edmund has been branded as a bastard and this label carries very strong connotations with it. He explains he has intense jealousy for Edgar and is angry about people thinking he is inferior. This theory makes him a unique Shakespearean villain because the reader can actually have some sympathy for him. These feelings inside have built up over the years and once he saw his chance for fortune that feeling swelled over the breaking point for Edmund. Edmund sees that Edgar stands in his way and he feels that this is enough premise to murder

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