Chua’s article, “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior,” claims that Chinese parents are superior. The angle she used to emphasis the argument of Chinese parents as superior to Western parents is attempted through humor, irony, and in a self-reprimanding manner. She is fairly successful at the attempt in certain ways. The use of irony as a method of humor is placed throughout the article, in an attempt to be funny. Western audiences did not seem to understand or appreciate any humor in the article, instead referring to her as a monster (Kate Zernike, 3). This prompted Chua to respond to the comments by assuring her audience that the article was intended to be humorous, (WSJ, Retreat of the Tiger Mother, 2011). A dis-connection with the audience would be the reason associated with the negative criticism and lack of amusement in the article. One example in Chua’s misjudgment in her perception of humor was when, “One guest named Marcy got so upset she broke down in tears and had to leave early” (Amy Chua, 8). The idea that ruining a party would be funny does not make sense to the audience, which is evidence of her inability to properly incorporate humor. An example in effective use of humor by Chua was shown in the description of how Chinese parents would scold their children for getting a B, while Western parents praise theirs for the same grade. This example would certainly put a smile on the faces of the audience. Chua uses the title of her article to immediately inform the reader of the ironic nature of material that they are about to read. There are many instances of irony in the piece of work. It is indeed ironic that those considered superior lack respect for their children and subject them to all forms of abuse in the name of academic success. Although the title may not have been sarcastic to her Western audience, some readers still found irony in the title, as well as the entire article. Chua says that Chinese children