"Interview with a Vampire," is a film that is about vampires. In this paper, my thesis is about making life choices that will influence your personality and morals. The film revolves around Louie, LaStat, and Claudia. The storyline was somewhat logical for this film. It started with Louie being a young slave owner who was lost in grief over the wife and child that he lost and he just wanted to die. LaStat found him an offered him a choice to be a vampire or to die and Louie chose to become a vampire. Louie went from grieving to self-loathing on what he had become he felt he became a monster. He tried to stop himself from drinking human blood to killing rats in the sewer. LaStat tried to get him to embrace his darker killer side since he was in fact a vampire that needed blood from humans to continue to live. Louie thought he killed a young girl that he had befriended when he went for a stroll through the diseased part of his town. LaStat found the girl whose name was Claudia and turned her into a vampire for him and Louie to raise. LaStat had found a way to keep Louie near him by raising the child vampire. Then it ended up where Claudia was tired of being under LaStat’s influence and wanted to kill him. Claudia and Louie then went searching the world for other vampires. Then to Claudia being killed by the Vampire Association for killing LaStat. The storyline just kind of jumped around and not settling into one story. LaStat enjoyed the life of being a vampire he like killing humans for their blood. He felt a rush when he killed two to three people a night. He liked being able to submerge himself in the darkest parts of being a vampire. Louie did not really enjoy the life of a vampire he takes joy in the life of the living he does not enjoy taking away another’s life. Claudia enjoys the life of vampire she liked killing humans, but she did not like that she would be a child forever and could never grow up to be an adult. The plot fo