The Supreme Court of the United States is the court of last resort and the opinions and decisions made in each case they hear is of great importance. Although many may think that each of the nine Supreme Court justices would come to a unanimous decision in each case, recent history implies the exact opposite and therefore the amount of dissenting opinions has risen (p.39). The function of dissenting opinions is a crucial element in today’s Supreme Court, which has then brought debate to their authority as a result of the dissenting opinions. A dissenting opinion is made by a member who is does not agree with the majority of the court and as a result the dissenter files one or more opinions to explain why they are not part of the majority (p.340). In my educated opinion, the function of dissenting opinion has in the Supreme Court decision making process is relevant throughout the five stages. In the first stage, Agenda Setting, the justices have to decide what cases they want to review, which takes a minimum of four justices. Although people may believe a dissenting opinion is not relevant at this stage of the decision making process, it is. I believe this to be true since “Mystery surrounds selection of cases” and based on some factors that are suggested reasons for selection,” courts of appeals have issued conflicting decisions on the question, the issue is one that some justices are eager to engage; the court below made a decision clearly at odds with established Supreme Court interpretation”, a case involving dissents can easily be reflected as a result (p.32). In the second stage, Briefs on the Merits, the counsel of the opposition must submit another brief. This brief focuses “on the substantive issues the case presents”(p.32) At this point in the Supreme Court decision making process, the justices have had the opportunity to review the opposition second brief and based on each justices previous experiences, etc., t