"Hey! Garraty, I was looking for you!” Hart started, “you want to meet up with me at the lake later? I’ve got a plan about what we talked about yesterday.” Garraty who rarely talked simply agreed with a simple nod, and walked away. Later when they met by the limpid water of the lake they began to discuss the plan. Hart and Garraty were the best of friends and did everything together. Hart had an ardent, and carefree personality while Garraty had a quiet, but assiduous personality, with an emaciated look. Hart was very sophomoric, and greatly enjoyed being in power, and one day wished to be omnipotent, which is what made him a bad student body president. The school had to put in place rules just to prevent the capricious use of his power. Garraty had a pet camel his dad bought him. When the camel destroyed his dad’s puzzle collection, he had was so mad that just so he wouldn’t chastise the camel he sent it to the San Diego zoo. The two of them were now working on a plan to steal the camel back from the zoo. Hart had taken complete control of the plan and, Garraty warned him not to act brash, he ignored him. “Okay we have to allocate the jobs of the plan,” Hart told Garraty. He decided he could be in charge of breaking into the jail, because he had a copious amount of tools, due to the fact that his dad was a carpenter. So the plan was final, they both to tell their parents that they were going out to eat and meet up at the entrance of the zoo. There Hart was to break the lock and get them in. They were then supposed find a place to eat, and then find the camel break the lock and leave. Hart agreed to this only if he could ride the camel on the way out. Garraty agreed. “Then it’s done, we can’t deviate from this plan at all, or we could be caught, and we would probably have to pay some indemnity for the damage.” Hart told Garraty. They met at the zoo entrance that night and Hart began to break the lock of the zoo.