The life and teachings of Charles Haddon Spurgeon have been enjoyed among Christians of all denominations for over one hundred years. The sermons and literary works of Spurgeon are cherished to this very day, adorning the bookshelves of both the young and old. Many people consider him to be the greatest preacher that this land ever produced. As a testament to that fact he is commonly hailed as the Prince of Preachers. Publisher of many books and author of numerous sermons, Spurgeon is quoted by people the world over this very day in lectures, sermons and books. Among the Christian fraternity Spurgeon is hailed as one of the greatest, if not the greatest preacher of all time a honor not to be bestowed lightly. This paper will aim to determine and conclude the reason why men would so freely crown Spurgeon with the title of the "Prince of Preachers." I. The Ministry of Spurgeon Charles Haddon Spurgeon was born on the 19th of June 1834 into a Christian family living in Essex, England. It is recorded that Spurgeon’s Father and indeed Grandfather where both Ministers. Coming from a Christian home would have meant that Spurgeon was introduced to the word of God from an early age. Despite the Godly influences in his life Spurgeon did not come to salvation until he was around fifteen years of age. The message that got to the very heart of Spurgeon convicting him to the point of salvation was delivered by Primitive Methodist layman who was preaching on the text of Isaiah 45:22 “Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else”i. This simple message was all Spurgeon needed to hear and he gave his life to the Lord from that very day. Things moved forward at an electric pace from that point on for Spurgeon and he preached his first sermon at only sixteen years of age. At the age of seventeen he was made the minister of a Baptist Church in the village of Waterbeach, a remarkable call for a man of such young age. The fellowship of that small church grew from forty to over one hundred members in two years under the ministry of Spurgeon. As news spread of Spurgeon preaching prowess he was invited to preach at large Church in London by the name of New Park Street Chapel. Spurgeon's messages where so received that within three months he was called to pastor there at only nineteen years of age. Under the preaching of Spurgeon the congregation grew and grew to such numbers that people had t