The gods of ancient Greece were of the upmost human. They were flawed and hypocritical. They were not only represented as religious idols but as facets of everyday life. Out of these gods and goddesses, Apollo was one of the most important and influential, as he was the god of prophecy and oracles, healing, plague, song and poetry, archery and protector of the young. His influence was in the base and harsh realities of physical being, the inventible sickness that consumes us and the key to a cure, the need for knowledge of the future and the need to create. His influence and roll in society is one of the most important in the ancient Greek world. Apollo is depicted as a beautiful, youthful god. The epitome of male youth. Being attributed as one of the most handsome of all the male gods. He was noted to have many lovers both Female and male, gods and humans alike. Yet despite all of his power, status and beauty, Apollo had a duality that balanced this quite poetically. This being the case of Apollo never finding substantial love. It seems to escape him constantly as women not only refuse his affections but go as far as kill themselves to escape them (Castalia). His efforts eventually turned him to the extreme measures of rape (Dryope, Kryene) The Ancient Greek world had a primitive idea of medicine compared to our understanding of it today. We understand the idea of disease quite commonly but in another time it was something feared and not understood completely. It’s easy to see how one would turn to the god of both sickness and healing for answers. Apollo was the god of both, the cancer and the cure. Apollo provided an understanding to the greater mysteries of the body and healing which is quite a mortal element of everyday life for every living thing that eventually dies. Everyone gets sick, not everyone gets better, Apollo was the god you prayed to when you became ill, thus being the most influential and detrimental to ancient G