The novel Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, tells the story of a group of English school boys, who end up trapped on a desert island after a plane crash. The boys find themselves with no surviving adults or rules and regulations, so attempt to create a society upon on the island. Throughout the novel, Golding uses many symbols, to reinforce the idea that civilisation is very fragile and is just a veneer, and that savagery lies not far form the surface. One of the first symbols brought to light in the book is the conch. The conch is a shell found on the beach by Piggy, that symbolizes order, assembly and unity. When Ralph and Piggy first discover that they can use the conch to call other remaining survivors after the plane crash, it becomes known to the reader that not all of the boys are at ease with having no supervision, so order is quickly formed. “We can use this to call the others, to have a meeting, and they’ll come when they hear us-“ Piggy’s idea was precise and got all the boys attention, this showed that the conch was respected and represented authority during the beginning of the novel. The importance of the conch deteriorates as the boys time on the island progresses. When Jack decides that he wants to form a gang of hunters, Ralph tries to keep him in the society that he leads, where rescue and rationality are most important. However, Jack’s thirst for blood, and power hunger clouds his thoughts. Ralph tries to keep order by using the conch but Jack has already given into his savagery ways. “Conch! Conch! Conch! We don’t need the conch anymore. We know who ought to say things.” This disregard of the conch from Jack and his hunters, shows how the importance of civilization and order has almost disappeared. At the end of the novel, all hope for the conch and unity has disappeared. Ralph and Piggy go to fetch Piggy’s stolen glasses from castle rock, when a fight breaks out. A boulder gets thrown onto piggy crushing him and the conch, after he tries to demand authority with the shell. “The conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.” This quick dec