
Relationship Between God and Humans

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God and human beings foster a relationship with one another wherein God offers to bless human beings, and human beings with a certain amount of faith accept this blessing and in return obey His commands. Through the accounts of Genesis and Exodus, we are given the chance to examine God’s relationship with the different people in the Bible and see how these relationships grow stronger with every blessing given and every command followed. In the beginning of Genesis 12, we see how Abraham almost blindly follows God’s orders to leave his country with the promise to be a great name and nation. Although Abraham immediately follows God’s orders to leave his home, his entire faith is not yet put in the Lord as shown in Genesis 15:8 where he asks God to reaffirm his promise of land and again in Genesis 17:17 and 18:12 where both he and Sarah laugh at the prospect of them bearing children together. But despite this doubt, we still find Abraham consulting God about his worries, such as not having an heir (Gen 15:2-6), and even going through his covenant with God (Gen 17:23-27). Through these actions, God’s promises and blessings and Abraham’s submission to God, we see their relationship grow into one where both parties trust each other completely as seen in Genesis 22 where Abraham, who once doubted the Lord, would even be willing to sacrifice his only son in order to obey God. The account of Exodus on the other hand introduces a man who starts out with even less faith in God than Abraham. Moses from the beginning is skeptical of God’s plan; he asks God why him, and immediately anticipates disbelief from the Israelites (Ex 3:11, 4:1). This causes God to showcase his power by transforming Moses’ staff into a snake and afflicting his arm with leprosy. Moses only concedes to God’s orders upon finding out that Aaron will be accompanying him, and with little faith begins his journey to Egypt (Ex 4:2-7, 4:13-17). Moses arrival to Egyp

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