Ever since our earliest ancestors first stepped foot in a fast-growing world, humankind has always been faced with great misfortune and disasters. From the Ice-age to massive volcanic eruptions like Krakatoa, humans have been through so much in our history, and yet, here we are, all 7+ billion of us living our daily lives day in and day out. It seems that, no matter what Mother Earth or any other unknown disaster decides to throw at us, humans as a whole will always find a way to survive and live to tell the tale. Humans are one of, if not, the smartest and most adaptable creatures on this planet. In our history, humans have done all sorts of acts of bravery and courage just to live another day. We’ve learned to hunt, to scavenge, what was good to eat and what wasn’t etc. Simply put, humans have the capability to look at a situation, think, and act accordingly based on that initial judgement. Over 10,000 years ago, we developed what is now called the cerebral cortex. Long story short, this is the part of our brain that enables to think both rationally and logically. No wonder we’ve managed to live this long! Because of our advances, humans have used their growing intelligence to overcome any and all obstacles in their path. As cheesy and corny as it sounds, there is something humans have and share that is lacking in most other animals, and that is the will to persevere and to never give in. This doesn’t mean that every person is as brave as the people they’re sitting next to per say, but, we all do share the sentiment that in the face of death, we would do anything it took to survive. A great and moving tale about human perseverance, titled “127 Hours," is a movie based on a true story about a man who gets his arm jammed by a rock in a canyon. In order to survive, he cut his own arm off with his cheap Suisse army knife! Throughout the entirety of the movie, he not once gave up, even though death seemed so imminent. Despite