
My Opinion of Video Games

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My own opinion on video games is very two-sided and I see myself agreeing with the article I chose but also going against the article. I do yes, think video games have an impact on people’s life. The article I chose showed that when they expressed how the two boys from the Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado were big into violent video games before they went and murdered 13 people. I also believe that the way parents let you play video games can be a major factor of this issue. Video games in today’s society are yes very violent and age requirement is low but many parents can put a stop to the non-sense. Comparing the two articles they have a lot of common facts but also some differences. The main difference I seen in these articles was the one I chose showed how this has been going on since 1999 but the one we had to read showed that they think more violence has begun in more recent years. The evidence to support my article is how they compared the two boys in the murder of the Columbine to be a factor in their video game use when that was all the way back in 1999. I believe that video game use has always been at a high. Since I was little I have always grown up around some sort of video game, and yes maybe not all killing or violence but always never a happy ending I feel. When I was little even Mario Cart was violent because winning was always eating something to get to another level and even though eating isn’t killing that is still violent. In article number one where we had to read it, I see that they briefly talked about how not many video game makers even play there own video game. I feel like this is a huge problem in the gaming world. Contrasting the articles is easy for me because I see the differences in where article one expresses feelings and my article shows differently. It tells in the article we had to read that not many people that make these video games actually play them but I feel as if that is fa

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