
The Many Faces of War

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When a soldier returns home from war, some soldiers believe they are expected to act like nothing happened and to fall back into their old routine. Soldiers believe that they are not to talk about what they had to do or what they had to see while at war. Instead, they keep all their feelings and traumas to themselves so that they protect the innocence of the ones they love that have not experienced war. With the poem “Facing It”, Yusef Komunyakaa uses imagery to convey the last lasting internal effects war has on a person. There is a stereotype against soldiers labeling them as “tough guys.” They are not allowed to become emotional publically. Soldiers are to “keep it together” until they are alone before they show any emotion. In lines 1 through 5, the narrator first describes their reflection on memorial and allows the reader to identify them as an African American. Then the narrator begins to shift and begins describing their personal internal turmoil as they see their face “hiding inside the black granite.” (Komunyakaa 2). The reader is able to tune into the narrators emotions as they are briefly struggling with their grief. “I said I wouldn’t. Dammit. No tears.” (Komunyakaa 4). The reader can clearly interpret that the narrator is losing their composure. However, in the line that follows, the narrator regains that composure by stating, “I’m stone. I’m flesh.” (Komunyakaa 5). The narrator knows that they must not show emotion and quickly regains their bearings. War can also affect a person’s mind through time. Those who struggle with the experience of war can often find their mind teetering back and forth from the past to the present wherever they are. A trigger, such as a car backfiring or helicopter passing, can send a war veteran’s mind right back to the battlefield. In lines 8 through 13, the narrator describes such triggers as “depending on the light to make a difference.” (Komunyakaa 12-

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