
Short Story - Stranded

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“Where in the world am I?” I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the sunlight which lacerated the leaves of the gargantuan trees. I stood up, surrounded by forest. Where was I? How did I even end up here? These questions revolved in my head as I searched for an answer amidst the luscious green forest. My memory was cloudy as I tried to track back to previous events. The only thing I remembered was a plane. Wait, a plane? Could that mean, as I tilted my head up, doing my best to avoid the piercing light of the sun, I noticed a cloud of grey and black protruding from beyond the trees. I sprinted toward this beacon of what could be an answer. The cloud grew closer and I noticed a clearing which lead out of the forest. It lead to a barren wasteland of a beach. I searched frantically for the source of the cloud. Then I saw it. One half of a commercial jet laid there in the golden sand which was now black dust. Smoke and embers elevating from the debris. Death lingered in the thick of the atmosphere as I stood in front of the plane, shock still. I was in conflict; do I try to enter the plane and look for survivors or do I walk away and focus on my survival? The majority of my conscience voted on the latter as the chances of anyone being alive in there were slim. I had to stay logical in this situation. Best thing to do would be to gather some wood for shelter inside the forest. I walked towards the forest, oblivious of the dangers that lurk within. The weather was incredibly humid and I felt as if I had been swimming inside a pool of Caramel. I sauntered through the behemoth of a forest looking for a place suitable for shelter. When suddenly, footsteps. Could these be the footsteps of an ally? Someone who could have actually survived alongside me? My heart skipped a beat as I tried to figure out as to how I would approach this person. But then, the malicious growl of a jaguar resonated in my ears. My heart had stopped completely. I ran

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