
Negro by Langston Hughes

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In the poem “Negro” by Langston Hughes, was describing the history of the African American past and present of the people. He tells about the activities and the treatments that the black community had. Langston Hughes also explains how the economic exploitation caused the color people to suffer. They had a hard-not life which made this poem have different tones, which includes sad and disappointment. This poem also tells what the writer had experienced. Hughes describes his race been a Vietnam who suffered discrimination from several different people and different places. The writer begins the story by telling his identity. Langston Hughes states “I am a Negro: black as the night black” (Line 2). He was saying that his skin color is not like other people skin color, he was like a dark person which is African American. Also he describes the African American history of them being a slave since Julius time (Line 5) they have been struggling for a long time. The jobs that they had were not anything that anybody wanted to do. The slaves had to work all day in the heat. For example’ they had to work as boot cleaners in Washington D.C. (line 6). Through the work of color people, Langston Hughes tried to explain their achievement. Even though they was building things, such as a mortar for the Woolworth Building (line 9), they still was treated as slaves, and getting blamed for whatever they did wrong or whatever happened in the community. The African Americans was proud to use the strength and abilities to build Egypt. Music was a part of the African American lifestyle. The music also known as Jazz was created. The poem indicates how color people contributed a lot while struggling and facing hardships. “All the way from Africa to Georgia, I carried my sorrow song” is an example by what Langston did (line 11-12). This poem tells the colored people could never catch a break. They are often are blamed for the things that went

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