
If I Had Been an American Slave

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I have always thought about if I were a slave would I survive back then. The things slaves did to fight for freedom and peace was pretty harsh and cruel. I probably would have died at a early age back then because I would be very disrespectful if someone wanted me to carter to them and whip me because I did something wrong. I really do not see how slaves survived all that heat in the fields for 18 hours a day. I cant last 30 minutes outside now, but you want me to work 18 hours a day; couldn’t do it. I would be happy if I was a house servant or even the babysitter for the toddlers. Been a field slave wouldn’t be for me because I would get whipped every second I’m out there. One thing I saw wrong was, if you sick or fall out from working in the fields all day, you get whipped. That’s total nonsense to me because I mean, im working in the blazing sun and you decide you want to punish me for getting ill. That’s one of those days I would be very disobedient because I’m sick, I can’t work too long. In todays time, Sunday is like arrest a day, but not in the 18th century. Slaves still had to work on Sundays. On Sundays, I go to church and rest for the rest of the day, so I probably wouldn’t have survived that. I work on some holidays now but if I had to work on a holiday in the 18th century I would not do it. Compared to my job now, its much easier to work but back then you working all day non-stop. Not how I want to spend a holiday, slaving so someone else can enjoy his or her holiday. Education wasn’t a big deal thing back then. Masters didn’t teach their slaves how to read or write. My education is very important to me. I wouldn’t mind waking up going to school and then go work in the fields afterwards. Masters should have thought of that plan for the slaves. Educate them some and then put them to work so they would be smart workers. In todays time we try to protect ourselves from diseases to stay healthy. In the 18

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