
Personal Cultural Responsive Essay

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Culture is the traditions we learn from our family and it makes up the way of life that we have. The meaning of designing and putting together a culturally responsive curriculum is to come up with a way of teaching that involves all the different cultures that may be present in the classroom that you are teaching. A curriculum that is rich in the creative arts support a culturally responsive curriculum by how you will be able to teach the students about a certain culture using things that are appealing to them such as; having them build a structure that is associated with that culture, having them cook something, or having them pretend play something from a certain culture. According to Cohen, “Play is sociocultural in nature and an important part of a child’s learning and development” (Cohen 72). With that being said, play is definitely one of the best creative outlets that would help children learn about different cultures. There will be a strong impact for children and families when teachers design a curriculum that is diverse because children and their families will be comfortable that they won’t be losing their culture and they will be building a stronger one. Magruder stated, “When teachers and families connect early on and in person, they establish a common goal to support the child both at home and in school” (Magruder 11). Offering children opportunities to interact with heritages that are different from theirs, allows the children to develop a better understanding of the many differences among cultures, including holidays (Cohen 74). My experience of the Family Artifact Project contributed to my understanding by how I learned that many of the girls in the class that are from the Caribbean, were raised by their grandparents. This showed me that everyone is raised differently. In the Caribbean culture being raised by the grandparents is normal, as for others it isn’t. I also got to hear a little Italian, which i

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