What is personality? Some may say it is what makes each individual different and some may define it as a person’s more apparent characteristic. As for me, after going through these 14 weeks having sitting in class, I have learned that Personality is actually a set different traits that each and every one of us have. These personalities tend to change from time to time as we grow older. One’s personality allows them to be unique and outstanding in their own way as it is what defines us as individuals as well as what makes us different from others. At the beginning of the semester, I had no clue that there was actually a set of perspectives that derived personality further in detail. After going through these 4 months of class I have definitely gained an insight on what personality really is. Also, not forgetting the assignments, quizzes and class activities that were conducted not only made me a braver person by letting me overcome my fear of facing crowds but also it got me a lot of new friends with different backgrounds, personalities and styles. My thinking, feelings and behavior throughout this course has changed not only from the learning outcome but also after going through a set of assignments starting with the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. The purpose of the personality test is simply to reflect back on the theory of psychological types as described by C. G Jung. This test helped me explore more about my personality and what where exactly is my strengths and weaknesses. Through this test also I learned that though I’m an introverted person, I not only enjoy taking care of other people but also love to share knowledge, experience time and energy with anyone who needs it especially with my close friends and family. Therefore, this personality test has definitely put my true self out in the open for me to see as well as improving my personality with the given information from this test. Besides that, when eng