Prejudice has been a part of human nature since the dawn of the mankind. Innocent people judged solely on their race, gender, appearance, or sexual orientation. One of the most prevalent forms of prejudice today is sexism; discrimination or devaluation based on a person’s sex. The media, such as newspapers, magazines and TV, consistently portray chauvinism, which is the belief that men are superior to women. Sexism is also very prevalent in schools and businesses across the country. Teachers will commonly prefer one sex to another, and allocate grades based on such preferences. The glass ceiling refers to the invisible barrier that prevents woman from reaching a high status position in corporate America. Businesses allow women to see the positions and work under them, but never consider them candidates for promotions. How is sexism this prevalent in society? It is advertised and exercised by the fundamental mediums of society, which ultimately maintain it. The media is one of the strongest influences on sexism today. Male chauvinism is a reoccurring theme on television and in advertisements everywhere. TV shows frequently portray the man as strong and assertive and the female as subordinate and clumsy. In commercials sexism is constantly used to sell products. A company will put down woman in order to gain the attention of men. An example of this is the Axe commercials, where hundreds of women chase a man down just because he sprayed himself with the Axe body spray. This tactic of using sexism for profit has existed in media forever, just nobody has seen the need to expose it for what it is. This is most likely because it is the men that create these ideas and women do not want to interfere and risk losing their job, or worse, their dignity. Another medium of society that promotes sexism is school. In schools all across the country girls are treated as second-class citizens. They sometimes receive such little attention that they m