The Jewish issue in Europe is such a well encountered matter these days because it is inscribed in history and it certainly affected millions of people. Undeniably, we couldn’t erase or wipe out the memories from the past because those happenings also contributed on how we view things today and also formed our Ideologies and perspectives. People could never forget the results of this kind of dehumanization and horrifying mass murder that affected not only the Jews, but also the entire humanity. The Jews accepted Hitler as their dictator because they believed that he was the answer to their aspiration that Germany will be better and healed after World War I. They chose him to be their ruler because of his strong charisma and his influential propaganda. Their country has undergone too much and they are now finding solutions to rebuild their economy. They put their trust in him and in that way, he had been able to generate the country’s priorities and worldview. They also believed that the Jews were also one of the reasons why they went that far because Jews weren’t affected when Europe was in big trouble. Hitler believed that their race was the greatest of all, and that no “inferior” man could ever interfere with them. He believed that their race was superior to all others. He used the term “Aryan” to describe Pure German race. Aryans, according to him, have broad shoulders, blonde hair and blue eyes. That’s what he believes about being perfect and superior mortal. He eradicated all the subordinates that he thought “messed” with their race. Consequently, the Jews were considered among the “inferior” ones. People, during the Nazi era were largely influenced by Propaganda. Leaders and officers of Germany that time promoted their own points of view and publicize