
to bite or not to bite

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Animal fighting is unethical, animal fighting is when people put two animals into a ring and are put to the test to see who is faster, stronger and so on and so forth. Animals shouldn’t be put into the position where they have to fight for their lives and minds. Animal fighting is illegal, people use harsh steroids on the animals to cause aggression against humans and other animals, and the animals can cause harsh injuries that could cause them to be humanely euthanized or to potentially kill the other animals. It is up to us to speak for the poor defenseless animals that can’t speak for themselves. One reason why we should put a stop to animal fighting is the harsh steroids that people use on the pit bulls or roosters to cause lots of aggression on both people and other animals. It is said that when pit bulls are on steroids. “They can be the next dog of choice for criminals” because they have so much aggression, said detective bob beals a dog fighting expert. It is also said by “That calls about marijuana poisoning have increased 30% since 2009 to 2013 from 213 calls. One of the things that could happen to animals who are on marijuana is they could be poisoned or the reward system in their brains could be damaged. Please stop using harmful steroids on dogs they don’t deserve this kind of treatment. In addition, not having animal fighting would lower the incidents of animal fighting each year. Police officials argue that each year over 100 cases of cock fighting or pit bull fighting. It is said if people are caught in an animal fighting incident people can pay up to $4,000 for the crime and be in jail for up to five years or longer. It is illegal because of how you treat the dogs and how many dogs you kill by either killing them yourself or forced by the other pit bulls. Animal fighting is illegal in almost all of the states in our country and is almost put to a stop. Many people argue that it’s an easy way

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