
Research Paper - Divorce

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Many children raised by one parent, so it means most of the time their parents divorced or one of their parents died. “The odds that a child today will witness the divorce of his or her parents are twice as great as a generation ago, climbing from about one in four to one in two” (qtd. in David, Popenoe 30). There is no child will be happy, when his father and mother are no longer love each other and parted. It is always necessary to understand, when people are on the verge of divorce, but can still stop it. The unity of two loving people in a marriage is held together in a new, born baby who was born of this marriage. And if the marriage breaks up, and the husband and wife find their new spouses, they do not cease to be a mom and dad to their children. But in reality, the children are going through an extremely acute separation of parents, and if the ex-husband and ex-wife, the gap may be desirable, necessary and calmly perceived phenomenon, for a child who sees a parting mom and dad, it has a different, horrible value. And do not think that the child concerned with his own well-being, but that he was afraid of losing the attention to himself. It looks easy to stop an old life and start a new one, but it is more difficult. Some children do not want to talk about their mom or dad who left because it just hurts. The divorce of spouses often affects children. Divorce can cause in children anger, anxiety, confusion, aggressive behavior. This happens in the first few years after the divorce. Fathers’ feelings who are survived a divorce, more acute. Popenoe points out those fathers after divorce are beginning to realize what an important role in the life of their children play. As a result of fathers with children can be a lot closer than if the marriage is not dissolved and the upbringing of children, according to tradition, have had more mother than the father (Popenoe 103). Therefore, divorce is an acceptable choice only if couples cannot handle each other anymore, loss of love, and infidelity. Divorce is an acceptable choice only if couples cannot handle each other anymore. All spouses talk to each other, but not everyone is able to achieve mutual understanding. The situation in which the wife cannot discuss with her husband some questions and problems may seem absurd, but at some point a relationship with her face so man

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