
The Right to Die

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Death is a natural part of life, and it is the only thing in life that is constant. Every living thing in this world will die eventually due to many different types of causes. Humans die from war, starvation, illness, old age, etc. Some people die peacefully and with little to no pain, and others die a horrible and excruciating death. Without any doubt everyone would want to die peacefully and with little to no pain over dying horribly. However, the sad truth is that nobody gets to choose how he or she dies. Or do they? In some states such as Oregon, Montana, and Washington physician-assisted suicide has been made legal, allowing people to choose death. This sounds very dark and wrong but the truth is that physician assisted suicide should be legal throughout the United States because people deserve the right to make choices for themselves in life, because some people would die an extremely painful death, and because some people have major disabilities that prevent them from really living. Free will is a gift given by God, and freedom is a gift that Americans have in the United States. People have the right to decide what they do in their time on this Earth, and that should include how they die. Physician-assisted suicide is something that, if needed, one should be able to take that path if one desired to. The American Medical Association (AMA) would say that “doctors are meant to heal, not kill”, and the Catholic Church would say that it is morally wrong to commit such an act. Even though these groups believe these things to be true and right, the doctors should really just be there to assist their patients in any way that they really need. Also, not everyone in America is a part of the Catholic Church so its moral standards should not dictate the law of a country with the freedom of religion. Disability is a part of life and many people in the world have to deal with it. There are minor disabilities as well as extremely severe d

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