Motives are the underlying reason behind human behavior. These motives are also the same reasons that yield writings with a focus on the realities of the nature of a human person. A writer draws his intention from these motives to create highly interesting and meaningful writings. These motives include the intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical, political, social and economic aspects of a human person. A writer may appeal to the people’s natural hunger for knowledge, the innate drive within us to acquire intellect. Writings which are geared towards the human person’s understanding of the ability of the mind to come to correct conclusions about what is true or real, and about how to solve problems can be particularly engaging to the readers especially when the writer employs situations to concretize his thoughts and notions on the matter. Furthermore, a writer may also aim at discussing morality on his writings. Majority of human beings have been deeply imprinted with a certain moral code based on the general intention to follow the principle of goodness, love and compassion as the desire to do good and to love is inherent to being human. Aside from those things, anybody who aspires to gain readership may also talk about spirituality. Many people still wish to continue their quest on faith, beliefs and religion. For that reason, most of them might be interested on the writer’s say on things a person focuses his faith on or try to make a connection with; or the path a person’s faith travels to seek meaning, purpose and significance Moreover, issues on physical health and integrity are exceedingly interesting to the general audience as it is considered critical for an individual’s overall well-being. The writer may talk about social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and environmental health. Addressing this dimension is crucial for anyone attempting to sustain overall health and wellness. As a result, it is very likely that