
Lord of the Flies

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?Character Pages: Character’s Name: Piggy Age (approximate) About 10 Appearance: (brief description using direct quotes) Piggy’s appearance basically revolves around the fact that he is fat. He is constantly referred to as “The fat boy” and later on “Piggy.” Due to his numerous health problems Piggy is not very athletic, this is shown through the quote; “I can’t swim. I’m not allowed. My asthma.” He is also shown to wear glasses, “Piggy wiped his glasses and adjusted them on his button nose. The frame had made a deep, pink V on the bridge.” This quote clearly illustrates a key part of Piggy’s appearance and how Piggy’s glasses are an essential part of him and his identity. Personality Traits: (at least 3 supported with direct quotes) Piggy is portrayed as being self conscious about his fat body; “Watched Ralph’s body enviously.” Piggy is also quite cautious; “ranged them carefully on the ledge, and tested the water with one toe.” Piggy is intelligent as well. He often likes to talk about strange technical things which most of the other boy don’t understand; "Life is scientific, that's what it is. In a year or two when the world is over they'll be traveling to Mars and back.” Basic Beliefs: (at least 3 supported with direct quotes) One of Piggy’s beliefs is that of acceptance; “I got the conch, I got the right to speak.” Piggy is a strong believer in Authority and law and order; ““Which is better –to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?” Piggy strongly believes in civilization, this is shown in this quote; “What are we? Humans? Animals? Savages?” How do others perceive this character? Explain your answer using textual references. Different characters within the text perceive Piggy quite differently. Ralph perceives him as being knowledgeable, quite well educated, for his lesser years, and also a bit of a yarn. Evidence from the text illustrating this is; “Piggyyelled and danced. Immediately, Ralph and the crowd of boys were united and relieved by a storm of laughter.” On the other hand, others perceive Piggy, such as Jack, as being feeble, a joke, and a misfit. Evidence of this is; “Piggy once more was the centre of social derision so that everyone felt cheerful and normal.” This quote quite clearly characterises how others perceive Piggy and I believe sums up Piggy’s’ character. How does the character perceive himself? Explain your answer using textual references. Piggy perceives himself as being fat and unsocial. He dislikes his body and is often envious of others e.g. Ralphs- “Watched Ralph’s body enviously.” Piggy also yearns to be accepted by his peers. He believes he is smart and can make a big contribution but is often rejected by the others; “If I say anything," cried Piggy with bitter realism, "you say shut up.” Important Quotations about Piggy’s murder: Quote Explanation of Quote “Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, traveled through the air sideways from the rock, turning over as he went.” The quote illustrates the fall of Piggy and the violent nature of his death. “Piggy fell 40 feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Piggy's arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pigs after it has been killed" This quote is also important in the scene of Piggy’s murder. It gives us detailed visual imagery of his death. It also, in the last sentence uses a simile that is extremely ironic towards his character. "The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist." The quote shows how a rock was the cause of Piggy’s death and how it struck him on the head. It also displays the obliteration of civilisation in the destruction of the conch. "Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of

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