This essay is based on Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and is a condition characterised by excessive worry. The essay will explain each of the processes in memory, perception and attention and how each of them are impacted when confronted with a life threatening stressful situation. In an article on GAD, defined by Hayes et al (2007) as a “chain” of thoughts and images and is reported as uncontrollable behavior caused by worry when the person of not able to switch off(p.19). The argument is whether the threats from the information from the environment is the cause of GAD in a person, or GAD predisposed through genetic factors, that is, family, and then exposure to stress in the environment, causes them to have uncontrollable worry. If there is a history of GAD in the family people will be more susceptible to suffering from GAD when trauma or stressful situation occurs. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a condition common in anxiety disorders. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) has been defined from an article by Hirsch (2012) as a psychological condition characterized by excessive and uncontrollable worry tend to be focused on life events or activities (p.37). Worry in GAD is accompanied by symptoms of restlessness, fatigue, dif?culty in concentrating, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disturbance. Andrews et al (2010) mentions that worry is a cognitive component, but not the same as the physiological symptoms, of anxiety (p.3). In summary, GAD functions as cognitive avoidance and inhibits emotional processing within a person who is suffering from the disorder. It will be discussed below the processes of memory, perception and attention and the factors that impact on these processes. The first component to be discussed is Memory. In an article written by Craik (1972) et al model of human memory is mentioned. This memory has been dominated by concept of stores and transfer of information (p. 671).This concept comes from