
George Jenkins - Success Beyond Luck

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Many people think success is being wealthy like Bill Gates, but for me, success has a different definition. George Jenkins, one of the authors of The Pact, is a perfect example of success. He grew up on the streets of Newark, facing the temptations of city life and suffering the consequences, such as jail. In spite of these setbacks, he has never given up his dream of being a doctor and even inspired his two friends, Sam and Rameck to also aspire to become doctors. And at the end, all three of them became doctors. Unquestionably, he is successful; however, evidence of his success is shown mostly through his perseverance and hard work. George Jenkins’ strong will helped him persist in his journey of successfully chasing his dream. Attitude defines a person, and George’s consistently positive attitude contributes to his success. Since George was young, he chose to make friends with other kids like him, who always tried to do the right thing. George described, “But I’d have to say that the kinds of friends I chose-positive guys who wanted to do the right thing-made a huge difference in how my life turned out”(Jenkins 107). George chose positive people like himself to be associated with and this helped him to achieve success because positive people encourage each other to strive for excellence. So in the process of achieving their goals, they always supported and encouraged each other whenever they had moments of hopelessness and the goals seemed unachievable. The three authors of The Pact are a perfect example of a group of people who worked together and continued to support each other through the good times as well as the tough times. George, Rameck and Sam are all positive people, and they were each other’s best partners while painstakingly achieving the goal of becoming doctors. George is not only successful for being positive himself, but also for his positive attitude that can influence the people around him. George said to Sam and Remack after they listened to the Pre-medical presentation, “Man, I think I want to do this, why don’t we go ahead and do this together?”(Jenkins 72) In the end, they all got accept into the program and eventually became

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