Why are there so many accidents by teens and adults on highways and neighborhood streets because they were distracted by a phone call, email, or text message? I feel that texting while driving need be made illegal in all cities in every state because there are so many deaths as a result to texting while driving. After some research to find out how many states have passed a law to ban texting while driving shows that only thirty-nine states have the ban. Eleven states have a partial ban or no ban at all. After uncovering all the information needed to understand how many states have the ban, I really think our government should pass a law in every state to ban texting while driving. Until cell phones and texting came in the picture of our lives, there have been deaths or major injuries in accidents due to a distraction from the phone. First of all texting should not be allowed while driving because it can be a distraction while person is driving and it can cause the driver not to pay attention to the road. If a driver looks at their phone while driving when they should pay attention to the road, different things can happen or cause an accident. For instance, when a person looks at a text message or responds to a text message they are not paying attention to the road ahead or around them. When a person drives a car, it requires being attentive on the road. A respectable driver always pays attention to their surroundings when they drive. When someone does not pay attention while driving, they can easily cause an accident, be a result of an accident, or worse. Ultimately, a ban in all cities and states should pass a law to ban texting while driving. However, thirty-nine states in USA have a full ban on texting while driving and it is illegal to do so. Eleven states only have a partial or no ban on texting while driving and I feel the Governor of those eleven states should work on a law to ban texting while driving. It is not necessary to