Religious studies is a subject with a curriculum unlike any course taught at a university. A deep understanding and scholarly approach is essential to be able to interpret the readings from this course. In order to read and write in a scholarly manner, one must view religion from the anthropological standpoint as well as be able to compare religions to one another. We’ve used many course materials that have taught us to use these approaches first-hand such as: J.Z. Smith’s “Religions, Religious, Religion”, Wendy Doniger’s Hindu Myths, Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography by John Crossan, and several more. All throughout the course, we were given material to read that wasn’t the easiest to grasp. The materials required me to read in a different manner than I was used to. For example, in “Religions, Religions, Religions”, by J.Z. Smith, we learned about how the term “religion” has evolved in different places in the word at different times in existence and how it means something different to everyone. I found it challenging to think of religion as an anthropological subject rather than theological which is what I was used to thinking. It is a second-order generic concept that plays the same role in establishing a disciplinary horizon that a concept such as “language” plays in linguistics or “culture” plays in anthropological study. There is no disciplined study of religion without such a horizon (Smith 281). The most challenging part of this class was simply seeing religion in a different way than I was used to seeing it and seeing it in more of a factual way. To get over this, I simply thought of religion as a science or study or the behavior of people. This course opened my mind to a whole new way of interpreting the meaning of the world “religion”. I learned that religion is not just a matter of faith, but it is also something that defines a community. This course also opened me up to so much knowledge of