For two hundred and forty years, the United States of America has been part of many wars, from the American Revolution to the American Civil War to World War I and II to the Vietnam War to the War against Terrorism, the United States of America could have avoided any of these wars, or ending before the war would escalate. Howard Zinn states, “War itself is the enemy of the human race.” There is however many aspects and reasons why we go to war. We are the United States of America and we could do anything we wish to do, because of our military strength, our government, our people, our wealth and our resources as a country. Starting with propagandas to persuade our county that we need war to live off of as a country. Our government has done a good job in persuading the American people with such propaganda in joining our military branches to keep this country safe. Many of those individuals believe that our country fought these wars for our right to keep our freedom. Our country, our government cannot get through a day without thinking about what is good for country, if it is not going to war. Yet, our country has many individuals who do not buy into the propagandas that the United States of America try to sell to the people. They rather believe that attacks are controversy and our government tries to sell propagandas just to start a war. The Vietnam War was the longest and most expensive war in American History. The toll we paid wasn't just financial, it cost the people involved greatly, physically and mentally. This war caused great distress and sadness, as well as national confusion. The many question Americans would ask themselves was, “Why was America involve in the Vietnam War?” The incident Gulf of Tonkin that was used on the public when told it was Vietnam that attacked two American destroyers is a prime example of lies given to us from our government. Our government did not mention that it was the U.S. that was the one instigating the attack by sailing in and out of Vietnamese territory. The truth is that the United States actually wanted to get attack to find out where Vietnam had all of their artillery. In A People’s History of The United States by Howard Zinn, Zinn states, “By early 1968, the cruelty of the war began touching the conscience of many Americans. For many others, the problem was that the United States was unable to win the war, while 40,000 American soldiers were dead by this time, 250,000 wounded, with no end in sight.” Entering the Vietnam War caused a lot of problems in America, some individuals were not happy about war while some individuals app