
Types of Food in Punjab, India

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Everyone needs food to survive and every culture has unique and special traditions surrounding the gathering, preparation, and consumption of food. The Punjab region of India, is one of South Asia’s largest producers of food and the Punjabi people are known for the variety of foods they eat. Punjab, India is located in South Asia. As a region, South Asia generally refers to the countries in Asia that are south of the Himalayan Mountains and extending to the Indian Ocean. This often includes Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and the islands of Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Punjab is a state in the northwest part of India and part of a larger Punjab region that extends into Pakistan. The Punjab region was split between India and Pakistan in the Partition of 1947. Punjab or Panjab can be translated as “the land of five rivers” and is known as one of the most fertile regions of the world and is India’s greatest supplier of wheat. The people living in the Punjab region of India are primarily Sikh while some are Hindu. Sikhism, the world’s fifth largest religion, is a discipline that emphasizes monotheism, or belief in one god, and equity between all people exemplified by community sharing, especially sharing of food. Hinduism, the world’s third largest religion and most common religion in India, is a philosophy of life that includes concepts of kharma and darma. Darma includes a strong call to duty and obligation, kharma is a philosophy that emphasizes universal laws of nature. Hinduism is not defined by a single belief but instead is characterized by it tolerance and acceptance of multiple beliefs. A very small minority of people living in the Punjab region are Muslim as most of the Muslims living in the Indian portion of the Punjab migrated north to Pakistan after the Partition of 1947. Historically, the Punjab region was home to many great empires, and the center of Sikhism. After a series of wars wi

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