If I were to give myself a mark out of ten for my participation, I would give myself an eight. This because I participate in class, I’m always on time, and I think I have a pretty good attitude. Throughout my three years as a drama student, I learned that participation is very crucial when it comes to seeing improvements as a student and an actor. I failed to realize this in both grade nine and ten. This year I tried to participate as often as I could, from reading to volunteering to present first. I’ve always been a punctual person and I really dislike being late. When I know we have rehearsals I make sure I show up to school fifteen minutes before the bell goes off. Making your group wait for you because you decided to have a longer lunch or sleep in isn’t fair. Being in a group is a commitment because people rely on you to show up so they can make sure their performance is perfect. I’ve never been late to class because I know it isn’t fair to do that to my group, especially since I was the director. I wouldn’t say I’m the most enthusiastic person in the morning, but I try my best to perk up my attitude. I’m definitely not a morning person, but coffee really helps. I don't mean to sound like a suck up, but I think I'm a pretty good student. I don't give the teacher any sass and I always do what I’m told.That’s why I think I deserve an eight out of ten when it comes to class participation, i definitely mean to improve and get that ten out ten. As a director what I found most challenging with the adaption of minimal script was deciding on what would work with the script my group choose. Minimal scripts have limitations when it comes to finding a justifiable way to move about the stage in a natural and realistic manner. Minimal scripts are often very general and having a limit of additional lines making it difficult to explain and portray what is happening within the scene. I was worried that the actions wouldn’t make sense to the audience because of the limit of lines we could add. I was aware of the eight to ten line addition word limit. I happen to write a lot, even if it is for a simple assignment, so I had to cut down my original sc