Question In the story “One Hen,” do the character’s action show they are global citizen? Explain using example from the story and your own idea? Response A global citizen is someone who identifies with being part of an emerging world community and whose actions contribute to building this community’s values and also respects human right. A global citizen also respects diversity. The story "One Hen," was about an inspiring young boy named Kojo who had lived in Ghana, Africa. Kojo and his mother collected firewood to sell. They lived in a mud-walled house and garden where they grew their own food. They never had much money or much to eat. The families in Kojo’s village came up with an idea. Each family contributes a small amount of savings so that one family at a time can borrow the money to buy "something important." When it was Kojo’s mothers’ turn she used the loan to buy a cart to carry firewood to the marketplace as well as rent out to those who need to transport items. His mother allowed Kojo to have the few coins left over to buy something too. He decided to buy a hen for the eggs to eat and the leftovers to sell to at the market for cash. Slowly Kojo’s egg money grew and he repaid his mother after two months. In a year’s time Kojo had twenty-five hens and saved enough money to return to school. Kojo then won and received a scholarship to an agricultural college. After Kojo finished college he started a poultry farm. Over the years the farm grew and eventually he needed to hire villagers to work on his farm. Kojo knew that banks are skimpy about giving loans to poor people, but that did not stop Kojo from trying. Kojo went to a couple of banks to get a loan and finally got one. After Kojo repaid the loan and had money to spare he started to give loans to the other villagers so they can start a business of their own. Kojo won’t just give out loans to anybody he made them promise that when they are rich that t