The short video ad by the Motion Picture Association depicts the crime of a pirating teenager, and how it’s no different from stealing anything outside the internet. The ad contains a young teen who doesn’t think twice about committing piracy as she illegally downloads files. As the ad progresses, it shows people carrying out acts of larceny from homes, stores, and public places. The association wants to get the idea across to people that stealing cars, televisions, movies, and other items, is in a round a bout way, the same thing as violating the law of piracy. This is demonstrated by displaying text in-between the scenes of burglary, stating “you wouldn’t steal a ” and whatever the actor is “stealing.” As it’s reminding me that I would not break the law and steal items from other people, it really makes one put a new perspective on the idea of piracy. As a result of the ad reminding me that I wouldn’t steal anything in person, it made me look at the big picture. Instead of thinking that “everyone does it, it’s not a big deal”, or “I’m not paying a whole dollar for a song!” I think of it more as a reality now. When I download a file that was made free illegally, I perceive it as, not only am I stealing money away from somebody who worked very hard for that item I’m pirating, but also that I’m hurting our great nation’s economy drastically and putting myself at risk of getting in trouble with the law. By picking a teenage girl to play the part as the pirater, one could interpret this as a way of them showing how vast the actual ordeal is. That the problem is so bad, even kids and teenagers are committing this federal crime. These actions either derive from either being misinformed or not knowing that this is in fact against the law, or they develop and absorb mindsets from other people that think “it’s not a big deal”, “I’ll never get caught”, “it’s an everyday regular activity”, et