
Social Influence and Conformity

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“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” lecturer and essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson's statement epitomizes the notion that individuals, society and governments constantly try to change individual's behavior. Each person in this world has a set of thoughts and beliefs, but in a technological society, it cannot be certain that these thoughts and beliefs are truly their own. How individuals perceive themselves has been greatly influenced by the onset of social media, a platform where false identities are easily created. In the age of Facebook and twitter it is difficult to escape social influence. Those faced with a threat attempt to influence others to conform to what they believe is socially acceptable, which ultimately requires the person being influenced to greatly modify their identity and sense of belonging. Film and literature such as 'Skin' directed by Anthony Fabian, as well as real life, offers insights into these quandaries. Social conformity has always been a prevalent part of human society when faced with a threat. An example of how far back the social control aspect of psychology dates is the holocaust in World War II. Adolph Eichmann was a Nazi officer responsible for filling up death camps in Germany. After the war he went on trial in Jerusalem for crimes against the Jewish. He was sentenced to death for the war crimes he committed. His defense was "Why not the local policemen, thousands of them? They would have been shot if they had refused to round up the Jews for the death camps. Why not hang them for not wanting to be shot? Why me? Everybody killed the Jews."He was just an example of the millions of men and women who had to comply in order to survive during Hitler's rule. Hitler believed Jews possessed too much wealth and power, and he saw this as a threat to not only himself, but to the entire Aryan race. Threats often warrant a person or grou

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