According to John C Maxwell, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” He says there are three elements that go with being a good leader, a person, in the place of power, who doesn’t have all three elements, everything they do will be ineffective. Knowing the way is referring to wisdom, common sense, and the ability to think. Going the way is choosing the right way and making good decisions for oneself. Showing the way means leading and helping others make good choices and bringing them in the right direction. A person with all 3 qualities is rare to find, qualities in a person develop over time coming from experience and knowledge. A boy then, from The Lord of the Flies, wouldn’t necessarily have all the qualities needed to be a good chief. They all are very young with little time and mistakes to learn from and grow. While Simon may do what’s right, nobody would listen to him. While Piggy is the smartest, the other kids look down on him. While all the kids look up to Ralph, he isn’t the smartest and doesn't have very many good ideas. While all the kids listen to Jack, he doesn’t go the right way himself. In the case of the boys in The Lord of the Flies, there aren’t any great choices for a leader, but the best choices would be, despite their various weaknesses, Ralph for his ability to lead the group and Simon for his way of doing what is right. Although Ralph has many weaknesses, the boys listen to him and he’s got the conch. “Ralph smiled and and held up the conch for silence,” (23) the conch is a tool that Ralph learns to use to create order in their meeting, give power to speak, and call everyone together. Ralph also happens to be a very good public speaker, he can go up in front of all the boys with ease and tell them what needs to be told, “All at once he found that he could talk fluently and explain what he had to say” (32). Ralph has 2 great leaderships attributes, he has m