The age-old question, “which came first the chicken or the egg?” is not as important as the question, “how did the chicken come into existence?” One of the most revolutionary scientist and thinkers in the modern era, Charles Darwin, discovered something that changed the study of biology forever. Darwin discovered, through many years of observation and inspection that species evolve and adapt to their surroundings for one main reason: survival of the fittest. Since the brilliant breakthrough of Charles Darwin millions of scientist have expanded on and improved this theory of evolution. Evolution is proven using evidence dating back millions of years ago to present, as opposed to creationism with its main corroboration coming from a single book written thousands of years ago lacking any evidence. The Theory of Evolution clearly describes how and why organism change and evolve, with evidence including homologies among fossils, embryos, genetic makeups, and anatomies. The evidence proving evolution continues to compile and compound, dating back from millions of years ago until now. Using fossils uncovered and examined by archaeologists, scientists have analyzed and tested bone structure and bone makeup. Through this study, the ancestors and descendants of a certain species are determined. Slight nuances in bones can show relationships and connections between different species. For example, the structure of Neanderthals’ bodies show striking resemblance to those of apes and humans. Fossils of the first Neanderthals shows that they were only semi-bipedal; they did not stand straight like humans and they did not walk on their hands and legs like apes. A particularly significant fossil, named Lucy, showed scientists the “missing link” between apes and humans. This evidence is foolproof, however some do not trust the validity of fossils. The preponderance of evidence goes beyond fossils; there is another form of evidence in embryonic similarities. Scientists have used ultrasounds to take pictu